Monday, 25 July 2011

Crew Ships

So the one thing i just quickly want toshare with you: International Cruiseships are the hub of International Relations. I could never in my life have thought that I would share a gin and tonic with a French jeweller, a  russian Casino Host, a South Africa videographer and a Phillipino photographer. Except the fact that I'm gaining a lot of experience and a lot of cash, I'm also currently learning french and spanish. The culture on board our ship is so rich and diverse it's hard to decide what to write about.

Maybe one day I'll be able to narrow it down but for now just keep on watching this space.

much love and especially to my good friend Reyno who is lucky enough to have his birthday when I'm in foreign waters.


Thursday, 21 July 2011

Australia, Sydney

Mac Store on the corner of King and George Str.

Hi all

Just rolled into Sydney Harbour after an extremely eventful return from the Pacific Islands. We experienced some bad weather with approx 10m swells. Highly irritating while your working because most of the passengers dont have their sea legs working so a lot of motion sickness going around.

Once you clock off though  I find it very entertaining watching people as they try to find their way.

So ja, not really in the mood for a long type at the moment so check you later.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

BacK Again

Hello all jolly rogers!

Sorry for not updating the blog for the last month but its been crazy adjusting to ship life. I completely understand why a lot of the AA's business comes from sailors...

So its been a good month so far, met a lot of amazing people and saw some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. Coming from Cape Town, South Africa, the island vibes is something completely new to me. The tropical heat and abundance of fish is amazing and if you combine that with a few cocktails and brilliant beaches... I could definitly live here.

The next couple of cruises we'll be doodling around the South Pacific Islands, Vanuatu mainly.  Currently on our way back to Sydney though to drop off our current passengers. Bunch of irate old people on this cruise.

i'll update the blog soon with photos and all that jazz.
